quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Exercícios de inglês para o terceiro ano

Phrasal verbs
01. Escreva cada tradução em seu devido lugar:
(a) Last night two men blew up our house.
(b) That man broke up with my sister.
(c) The boss called off the meeting.
(d) I’m going to check in as soon as I arrive at the hotel.
(e) When I saw that handsome boy in front of me, I found out that I was in love.
(f) The thieves gave up running when they saw the police officers.
(g) My grandfather passed away one month ago.
(h) Stand up, please.
(i) The plane is taking off.
(j) I want to try on this skirt and this blouse.
(k) Jack is throwing up for hours. I think it’s because he drank so much at the party yesterday.
Ontem à noite dois homens explodiram nossa casa.
Jack está vomitando há horas. Eu acho que é porque ele bebeu muito na festa ontem.
O chefe cancelou a reunião.
Levante-se, por favor.
O avião está decolando.
Eu irei me registrar assim que eu chegar ao hotel.
Eu quero experimentar esta saia e esta blusa.
Meu avô faleceu há um mês.
Quando eu vi aquele garoto lindo na minha frente, descobri que eu estava apaixonada).
Aquele homem terminou com minha irmã.
Os ladrões desistiram de correr quando viram os policiais
02. Associe:
(a) Exit (b) Expert (c) Exquisite (d) Fabric (d) Êxito (e) Esperto (f) Esquisito (g) Fábrica -

( ) tecido ( ) success ( ) strange, odd ( ) especialista, perito
( ) plant, factory ( ) belo, refinado ( ) smart, clever ( ) saída, sair
03. Classifique a sentença como uma condição impossível, possível ou improvável:
(a) If you hadn’t replied to her email, she would have been pretty mad at you.
(b) If I go to the cinema, I pay for the ticket
(c) If I had had time to go to the cinema, I would have watched the movie with you.
(d) If I had money on me now, I would go to the cinema
(e) If I had told you what happened yesterday, you wouldn’t have gotten in trouble.

04. Inglês americano/britânico
American British Portuguese
garbage/trash rubbish
mad angry
pants, trousers trousers
sneakers trainers (=sports shoes)
vacation holiday(s)

05. Poverty (http://www.globalissues.org/issue/2/causes-of-poverty - 02/11/2011, 17:02)
Around the world, in rich or poor nations, poverty has always been present.
In most nations today, inequality—the gap between the rich and the poor—is quite high and often widening.
The causes are numerous, including a lack of individual responsibility, bad government policy, exploitation by people and businesses with power and influence, or some combination of these and other factors.
Many feel that high levels of inequality will affect social cohesion and lead to problems such as increasing crime and violence.
Inequality is often a measure of relative poverty. Absolute poverty, however, is also a concern. World Bank figures for world poverty reveals a higher number of people live in poverty than previously thought.

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