domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

Passado simples e interpretação em inglês 02 10 2011

01. Qual a forma do infinitivo?
(a) I liked to play socer. (Eu gostava de jogar bola.): ________
(b) I hated to be alone. (Eu detestava estar sozinho): _______
(c) I studied English. (Eu estudei inglês.): _________
(d) You worked last Summer. (Você trabalhou no verão passado): _______
02. Qual a tradução dos seguintes verbos irregulares?
To be – was/were.............( ) ter ( ) ser ( ) vender
become – became..........( ) fazer ( ) dar ( ) tornar-se
begin – began.................( ) começar ( ) teminar ( ) continuar
break – broke.................( ) remendar ( ) quebrar ( ) ajeitar
bring – brought.............. ( ) trazer ( ) comer ( ) beber
build – built....................( ) destruir ( ) construir ( ) parar
drive – drove.........( ) pedalar ( ) cavalgar ( ) dirigir
eat – ate…………..( ) ouvir ( ) dormir ( ) comer
feel – felt………….( ) sentir ( ) degustar ( ) cair

03. Qual verbo está errado quanto à forma do passado simples?
(a) buy – bought
(b) choose – chose
(c) come – came
(d) do – doed
04. Único verbo regular:

(a) drink (b) find (c) forget (d) stop

05. David ( ) me that you went to Chicago last week. (David me disse que você foi para Chicago na semana passada)
(a) tell (b) told (c) make (d) made
06 Lissa was there when John ( ) me the gift. (Lissa estava lá quando John me deu o presente)
(a) understand (b) understood (c) spoke (d) gave
07. Frase desprovida de verbo regular:
(a) You loved him so much. (Você o amou bastante.)
(b) I learned English. (Eu aprendi inglês).
(c) He went to my house yesterday. (Ele foi para minha casa ontem).

(d) We always visited our grandmother.(Nós sempre visitamos nossa avó).
08. Verbo que mantem a mesma forma para o infinitivo e para o passado simples:
(a) go (b) send (c) cut (d) take
09. Como podemos identificar formalmente que as frases a seguir estão no passado simples?
I didn’t go fishing yesterday. (Eu não fui pescar ontem.)
He didn't study English at school. (Ele não estudou inglês na escola.)
Did they love their children ? (Eles amavam suas crianças?)
Did she write a long love letter ? (Ela escreveu uma longa carta de amor?)


10. It’s wrong (está errado):
(a) to remember – remerembered
(b) to cry – cried
(c)/ to play – plaied
(d) to live – lived
11. Match (Associe)
02/102011, 20:23

(a) Why were pirate attacks so often successful?
(b) Why was the pirate Blackbeard particularly feared?
(c) Were there any women pirates?
(d) How did governments fight back against the pirates?

( ) Successful pirate attacks became so frequent and troublesome that governments were forced to take strong action. In the 18th century, they sent heavily armed naval warships to the pirates' favourite hunting grounds. Terrible battles were fought, during which some of the most famous pirates, such as Bartholomew Roberts and Blackbeard were killed. Other pirates were captured and put on trial, and were then executed amidst great publicity. Bodies were coated with tar and hung in special iron cages as a dreadful deterrent to others thinking of taking up piracy.
( ) As well as being heavily armed with knives, cutlasses and pistols, Blackbeard (real name Edward Teach) tried to make himself look especially fearsome in order to intimidate his victims. He had wild eyes and a mass of thick tangled hair. Into his hair he twisted pieces of fuse which he set alight during battles, so that his face was surrounded with smoke to create an even more terrifying image.
( ) Yes, but only a few. Two of the most famous were Anne Bonny and Mary Read. It was against pirates' rules for women to be on board ship, so they disguised themselves by dressing up in men's clothes.
They each joined the crew of a ship in the West Indies led by 'Calico' Jack Rackham. They took part in many attacks, and fought as fiercely as all the other pirates. Eventually, the crew were all captured in 1720, put on trial in Jamaica, and sentenced to death. Anne Bonny claimed that Rackham would not have been hung like a dog if he had fought like a man!
Although the two women pirates were sentenced to death, they escaped execution when they revealed in court that they were both pregnant.
Mary Read died of fever in prison before her baby was born, but no-one knows what happened to Anne Bonny, for no records exist of her life after her Trial
( ) Pirate ships usually carried far more crew than ordinary ships of a similar size. This meant they could easily outnumber their victims. Pirates altered their ships so that they could carry far more cannon than merchant ships of the same size. Stories about pirate brutality meant that many of the most famous pirates had a terrifying reputation, and they advertised this by flying various gruesome flags including the 'Jolly Roger' with its picture of skull and crossbones. All these things together meant that victims often surrendered very quickly. Sometimes there was no fighting at all.

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