quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

Abstract (Resumo) de minha dissertação 2010

This master thesis aims to examine how the official documents of the Brazilian education of
Brazilian education reframe the word play. To accomplish this task, we will build on
theoretical ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin and his Circle, especially those in Marxism and
Philosophy of Language (2002) and Problems of Dostoievsky’s Poetics (2002). For the
purpose of organizing work, in the first chapter, we historian briefly about the treatment given
to play in Brazilian education. Moreover, in this chapter, in light of Bakhtinian thought, we
analyze also briefly, several theoretical perspectives that discussed the play as, for example,
the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical. In the second chapter, we discuss more
specifically the theory which supports the research. We show in this part, the central concepts
proposed by Bakhtin Translinguistic, as the concepts of dialogism, double-voiced discourse,
centripetal and centrifugal forces of language, concrete utterance, discourse genre, among
others. In the third chapter, we carried out a study on the living word, highlighting as, from
the concepts of meaning and theme proposed by the theoretical perspective in which is based
the research, the senses, with which the word impregnated, are built in a constant movement
between reiterative sense and irreiterative one, construction that happens from the value
accent assigned by what the Bakhtin Circle named as the official and everyday life ideology.
In the fourth chapter, the research methodology is presented, as well as the selection of
educational documents through a contextual overview of history that influenced the
responsiveness of the documents. Finally, we analyze, in the fifth one, the various senses of
the word-response play in the selected corpus. Retrieving the theoretical discussion
constructed in the second and in the third chapters, we take, for this analysis, in particular, the
process of ressemantization around the word play and identity construction of the images built
by the voices that are shown in the documents. For this, we choose, by their recurrence, four
senses, which often overlap, how the play is reinterpreted in the official documents of the
Brazilian education, namely: play as a game or an amusement, play as childishness, play as a
learning tool and play as a learning space.
Key Words: Translinguistic. Dialogism. Double-voiced word. Theme and Meaning. Play.

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