quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013

Exercícios de inglês para o ensino médio II - escola Egidia Cavalcante Chagas

Modern paradoxes


The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. And this is just the beginning…

The paradox of our time is that we spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more comforts, but less time. We have more information, but less knowledge, more questions, but fewer answers. We build more computers to hold more information, but we communicate with each other less and less. We have more possessions, but fewer values. We are now long on quantity, but short on quality.

We drink too much, smoke too much, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, read too little, watch TV too much.

We know much about the Moon and Mars, but avoid crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We are masters of outer space but not of inner space. We say “yes” to a bigger car in the showroom, but “no” to a homeless street kid who tries to sell us a bag of cookies.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, tall men and short character, large profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of luxurious houses, but broken homes. These are the times of more leisure, but less fun, overweight bodies, but selfish souls.

It is a time when technology brings this message to you, and a time you can choose either to make a difference and pass it on, or to just hit “delete”.


(Adapted from “The paradoxe of our time” by Dr. Bob Moorehead in Amadeu Marques, 2010, p. 09-10 – Volume 1)


01. Estes são os tempos de mais lazer, mas menos diversão:

(a) We build more computers to hold more information.

(b) We are now long on quantity, but short on quality.

(c) These are the days of luxurious houses, but broken homes.

(d) These are the times of more leisure, but less fun.

(e) We have bigger houses and smaller families, more comforts.

(f) Make a difference and pass it on, or to just hit “delete”.


02. Match:

(I)  we have bigger houses

(II) meet a new neighbor

(III)  but broken homes

(IV)  a homeless street kid

(V)  a time you can choose


(_) uma criança de rua sem lar

(_) um tempo que você pode escolher

(_) temos casas maiores

(_) mas lares desfeitos

(_) encontrar um novo vizinho


(a) II, IV, V, III, I.    (c) IV, V, I, III, II.   (e) I, III, V, II, IV.

(b) III, I, II, V, IV.   (d) V, I, III, IV, II.


A bright idea

The richest man in a Chinese town many years ago was old and ill. He called his three sons to him and said, “I have a challenge for you. I’ll reward the son who is the most intelligent. Each of you take one coin and buy something that will fill my room.

The oldest son went to the market, but at first he could not decide whether he should buy flowers or straw. Finally he thought, “flowers take up less space than straw. And they are more expensive”. So he bought straw. The second son also went to the market but he could not decide whether to buy paper or feathers. “Feathers are lighter than paper. And they are cheaper”. So he bought feathers. The youngest son thought and thought, “what can I buy with this coin that will fill a whole room?” At last he found his answer and bought something.

That evening, the three sons returned to their father’s room, each with his gift. The oldest son spread his straw, but it covered only one small corner; the second spread the feathers, but they filled only two corners. Quietly, the youngest son showed a candle and lighted it with a match. The whole dark room filled with a warm glow.

The old man smiled and said, “you are my youngest son, but you are the cleverest. The reward is yours.


(Amadeu Marques, 2010, p. 09-10 – Volume 1)


03. Match:

(I) O filho mais velho foi ao mercado.

(II) Então ele comprou palha.

(III) Finalmente ele achou sua resposta

(IV) Ele não conseguia decidir.

(V) Compre algo que preencha meu quarto.


(_) At last he found his answer

(_) The oldest son went to the market

(_) So he bought straw.

(_)  buy something that will fill my room.

(_) he could not decide


(a) II, IV, V, III, I.    (c) IV, V, I, III, IV.   (e) I, III, V, II, IV.

(b) III, I, II, V, IV.    (d) V, I, III, IV, II.


04. Corrija e reescreva sem rasura a única informação errada:

Grau comparativo

Maria is old. (Maria é velha.)

Maria is older than me. (Maria é mais velha do que eu.)

Note que o adjetivo old sofreu uma alteração: er + than. É dessa forma que se faz o comparativo de inferioridade quando o adjetivo é composto por uma sílaba (short adjectives).

Observe agora outro exemplo:

Maria is intelligent. (Maria é inteligente.)

Maria is more intelligent than me. (Maria é mais inteligente do que eu.)

Neste caso, o adjetivo intelligent não sofre alteração alguma, apenas acrescentamos: more (antes) e than (depois) dele. Dessa forma fazemos o comparativo de superioridade quando o adjetivo é composto por duas ou mais sílabas (long adjectives).

Então, lembre-se: a maneira como faremos a comparação dependerá da quantidade de sílabas que cada adjetivo possui!

http://www.brasilescola.com/ingles/degree-of-adjectives-grau-dos-adjetivos.htm 01/05/2013, 08:03






05. Responda sem rasura em inglês:


Portugal was his country of birth. Brazil, the country he took as his own. Born in Lisbon on 12 October 1798, Dom Pedro I made no secret of his love for Brazil, the colony which he turned into a nation. Pedro de Alcântara Francisco Antônio João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Serafim de Bragança e Bourbon - his name at birth - arrived in Brazil when he was nine years old.

He came with his parents, King John VI (João VI) of Portugal and Charlotte of Spain, who had left Portugal, which had been invaded by French troops. With John VI’s accession to the Portuguese throne, Pedro received the titles of Royal Prince and heir to the throne. Five years later, the Royal Family returned to Portugal and Pedro became Prince Regent of Brazil.

http://www.brasil.gov.br/sobre/history/historical-figures/dom-pedro-i-1798-1834-1 01/05/2013, 08:49.


a) Em que ano Dom Pedro I chegou ao Brasil?


b) O que permitiu a D. Pedro alcançar o título de príncepe real e herdeiro do trono português?



06. Veja a explicação sobre graus de adjetivos longos e curtos e escreva o que está errado em relação à regra:

Adjetivos precedidos de CVC (Consoante-Vogal-Consoante), dobra-se a última letra.

Adjetivos terminados em y precedidos por consoantes são substituídos por i.

Adjetivos terminados em e acrescenta-se apenas r.

Good é um adjetivo irregular e sua forma comparativa é diferente como bad = worse than (mau = pior do que).

tall = taller than
alto(a) = mais alto(a)  que
intelligent = more intelligent than
inteligente = mais inteligente que
big = bigger than
grande = maior que
popular = more popular than
popular = mais popular que
pretty = prettyer than
bonita = mais bonita  que
comfortable = more comfortable than
confortável = mais confortável  que
good = better than
bom = melhor do que
difficult = more difficult than
difícil = mais difícil que
nice = nicer than
legal = mais legal que
important = more important than
importante = mais importante que
shy = shier than
tímido = mais tímido que
complicated = more complicated than
complicado = mais complicado que


Resposta: ______________________________________.



07. Responda sem rasura em inglês:


Tiradentes instilled in the Brazilians a true idea of a country. Synonymous with a hero in Brazil, the nickname of the Martyr of Independence arose because of his work pulling teeth. His official name was Joaquim José da Silva Xavier.

He was born in 1746, on a farm situated between São José Del Rey (now Tiradentes) and São João Del Rey, in Minas Gerais. When he was 9 years old, he and his six siblings lost their mother; they lost their father two years later. Joaquim José then went to live with his godfather, with whom he learnt how to be a practicing dentist. He also worked as a peddler and also as a miner, and then, just over 30, he entered the Minas Gerais Dragoons Regiment.

http://www.brasil.gov.br/sobre/history/historical-figures/joaquim-jose-da-silva-xavier-tiradentes-1746-1792 01/05/2013, 09:23.


Com quem Tiradentes foi morar após a morte de seus pais e lhe ensinou o ofício de dentista?


Qual o título do herói Tiradentes?




08. Responda sem rasura em inglês:


From the rainforest to the concrete jungle

New York is where the son of the traditional chief of an indigenous community in Brazil has come to study. His dream is to speak English well and become a documentary film-maker.

It is a far cry from the village in the Amazon where Nilson Tuwe Huni Kui’s people live.

Tuwe carries the responsibility of making his people's culture and problems known to the world.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/videos_e_fotos/2013/03/130321_aprenda_indio_ny.shtml 01/05/2013, 09:21


De quem é filho o índio Nilson Tuwe Huni Kui?


Além de aprender inglês qual é seu objetivo em New York?




O Passado Contínuo, basicamente, descreve uma ação que estava ocorrendo em um certo período no passado.

O Past Continuous é formado pelo passado simples do verbo to be (was/were) + o gerúndio (-ing) do verbo principal.


09. Não descreve uma ação em andamento num determinado momento no passado:

(a) We were dancing with our girlfriends. (Nós estávamos dançando com nossas namoradas.)

(b) He was talking to my boss when you called me yesterday. (Ele estava falando com meu chefe quando você me ligou ontem.)

(c) At 7:00 a.m., it was flying over San Francisco. (Às 7:00 ele estava voando sobre São Francisco.)

(d) My father arrived when my mother was cooking. (Meu pai chegou quando minha mãe estava cozinhando.)

(e) In 2001 she was living in Dublin. (Em 2001 ela estava morando em Dublin.)

(f) It was almost midnight and they were getting tired, because they had lots of things to study. (Era quase meia-noite e elas estavam ficando cansadas porque tinham muitas coisas a estudar.)


10. Olhe com atenção e marque o que está errado:


(a) They were not screaming last night. (Eles não estavam gritando ontem à noite.)

(b) We were going to the beach when our car broke down. (Estávamos indo para praia quando nosso carro estragou.)

(c) When I got up this morning the sun was shining. (Quando acordei hoje de manhã o sol estava brilhando.)

(d) What were you doing at 6:00 p.m.? (O que você estava fazendo às 18:00?)

(e) It were raining this morning. (Estava chovendo hoje de manhã.)



Deus abençoe aos que praticam a caridade!


The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

he refreshes my soul.  He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.

Even though I walk  through the darkest valley,  I will fear no evil,  for you are with me;  your rod and your staff,  they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,  and I will dwell in the house of the LORD  forever.

Salmos 23:1-6



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