quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

Exercícios de Inglês para o segundo ano

01. Traduza:
Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century, as well as its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F), with about two thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are more than 90% certain that most of it is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. These findings are recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming 20/06/2012, 08:14

02. Correct the sentences below--Simple past

A)I didn´t went home with her friends.

B)We did made coffee for them.

C)She helped us tomorrow.

D) Did you travelled last week?

E)They called did us last night.

F)He didn´t saw her in the street.

03. Traduza
Ask out: ask someone to go on a date
Bring about: cause
Bring up: 1) rear children 2) mention or introduce a topic
Call back: return a telephone call
Call in: ask to come to an official place for a special reason
CALL OFF: cancel
Call on*: 1) visit 2) ask a student a question in class
Call up: call on the telephone
CATCH UP (WITH)*: reach the same position or level as someone
Check in*: register at a hotel
Check into*: investigate
Check out: 1) borrow a book from a library 2) investigate
Cheer up: make (someone) feel happier
Clean up: make clean and orderly
Come across*: find by chance
Cross out: draw a line through
Cut out: stop an annoying activity
Do over: repeat
DROP BY*: visit informally
Drop in (on)*: visit informally
Drop off: leave something/someone somewhere
Drop out (of)*: stop going to school or class
Figure out: find the answer by logic
Fill out: complete a form
Find out: discover information
Get along (with)*: to have a good relationship with
Get back (from): 1) return from somewhere 2) receive again
Get in, get into*: 1) enter a car 2) arrive
Get off*: leave any vehicle
Get on*: enter any vehicle
Get out of*: 1) leave a car 2) avoid some unpleasant activity
Get over*: recover from an illness
Get through*: finish
Get up*: arise from bed, a chair etc.
Give back: return something to someone
Give up: stop doing something
Go over*: review or check
Grow up*: become an adult
HAND IN: submit an assignment
Hang up: 1) stop a telephone conversation 2) put up clothes on a line or a hook
Have on: wear
Keep out (of): not enter
Keep up (with)*: stay at the same position or level
Kick out (of): force (someone) to leave
Look after*: take care of
LOOK INTO*: investigate
Look out (for)*: be careful
Look over: review or check
Look up: look for information in a reference book
Make up: 1) invent 2) do past work
Name after: give a baby the name of someone else
Pass away*: die
Pass out: 1) distribute 2) lose consciousness
Pick out: select
Pick up: 1) go to get someone 2) take in one’s hand
Point out: call someone’s attention to
Put away: remove to an appropriate place
Put back: return to original position
Put off: postpone
Put on: dress
Put out: extinguish a cigarette, fire
Put up with*: tolerate
Run into: meet by chance
Run across: find by chance
Run out (of): finish a supply of something
Show up*: appear, come to
Shut off: stop a machine, equipment, light etc.
Take after*: resemble
Take off: 1) remove clothing 2) leave on a trip 3) leave the ground (aeroplane)
Take out: 1) take someone on a date 2) remove
Take over: take control
Take up: begin a new activity
TEAR DOWN: demolish, reduce to nothing

20/06/2012, 08:25

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