domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013

Exercícios de inglês para alunos brasileiros

Does the Mata Atlântica have a future?

The road that leads to Paranapiacaba crosses the heart of the Mata Atlântica, the Brazilian Atlantic forest. This little town is dependent on Santo André, one of the towns in the suburbs of São Paulo that is part of what is known as the “Green Belt”. In summer, the road is sprinkled with manacá flowers, whose white and violet colors contrast with the green of the abundant vegetation. It is difficult to believe that such a natural paradise can exist near a megalopolis of 17.8 million people like São Paulo. And in the space of barely 40 you can go from a world of concrete and asphalt to this ocean of greenery. But this paradise is under threat from anarchic urbanization of the surrounding towns. With already 92 percent of its original surface area lost, the mata atlântica is a victim of the attraction it holds for the people of the São Paulo region. Already a popular destination for São Paulo residents, the forest is attracting increasing numbers of foreign tourists – with disastrous consequences for the environment.

That is why in 1994 UNESCO made the São Paulo City Green Belt a UNESCO biosphere reserve, in order to preserve the natural heritage site that is home to one of the greatest examples of biodiversity in the world. Paranapiacaba is now one the bases for the Youth Training Programme for Ecojobs. An education project created in 1996 to introduce pupils to activities related to sustainable development and to promote environmental protection in the region.

(MICHELOTTI, Gabriela in Marques Amadeu. On Stage. São Paulo. Ática, 2010. Vol 1)


01. Marque a opção com a sequência correta de associação:

(a) Where does that road lead to?

(b) When do manacá flowers bloom in the Mata Atlântica?

(c) Why do foreign tourists visit the Mata Atlântica?

(d) How does the UNESCO education project help to protect the Brazilian Atlantic Forest?

( ) By promoting environmental education.

( ) To Paranapiacaba, near São Paulo.

( ) Because it is a natural paradise.

( ) In summer.


(a) d, a, c, b                (b) a, d, b, c

(c) b, a, d, c                (d) a, b, c, d










02. It is correct:


(a) Bike don’t pollute the air

(b) The tree machine doesn’t needs coal.

(c) I doesn’t drink fossil fuel.

(d) A machine doesn’t need rain.


03. Leia o texto e responda em inglês:


 Climate change

The burning of coal, oil and natural gas, as well as deforestation and various agricultural and industrial practices, are altering the composition of the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. These human activities cause greater concentrations of particles and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane have a heating effect.


Which greenhouse gases are the main factors causing climate change?



04. The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is under threat:


(a) part of the green Belt.

(b) in 1994.

(c) it holds for São Paulo residents.

(d) from urban development and demographics


O artigo definido THE

Quando é usado:

• antes de substantivos que podem ser precedidos ou não por adjetivos.
Ex: the girl (a menina) the pretty girl (a menina bonita)

• antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais ou nomes de famílias.
Ex: the piano (o piano) the Kennedys (os Kennedys)

• antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, ilhas, rios, montanhas, países, hotéis, cinemas, teatros, trens e navios.
Ex: the Pacific (o Pacífico)
the United States (os Estados Unidos), etc.

• antes de um representante de uma classe ou espécie.
Ex: the poor (os pobres) the rich (os ricos)

• antes de um substantivo único na espécie.
Ex: the earth (a terra) the sun (o sol)


Quando é omitido:

• antes de nomes próprios, nomes de línguas e ciências.
Ex: Mary, English (Inglês) geography (geografia)

• antes de substantivos de uso comum e de incontáveis.
Ex: gold (ouro) money (dinheiro) coffee (café)

• antes de pronomes possessivos.
Ex: our dress (nosso vestido) their house (casa deles(as))

• antes de alguns substantivos como home, church, school, hospital, bed, prison, usados para seu propósito original.

Ex: I go to church. (to pray) 
Eu vou para a igreja.
(para rezar)

I go to school. (to study)
Eu vou para a escola.
(para estudar)

23/08/2012, 12:07.


05.  It is correct:


(a) I go to the shopping center Iguatemi.

(b) I am the boy you love.

(c) The History is not good as Portuguese.

(d) That car is the mine.



06. Trees need water, sunlight… they die.

(a) as     (b) for     (c) from      (d) or



07. Reescreva a frase na forma negativa:


“It recycles its substance for the benefit of all animal and plant life.”



As palavras my, his, her, our, their, your são adjetivos sempre usados antes de “algo” ou “alguém” (antes de um substantivo ou expressão substantiva), e nunca sozinhos na sentença.

I saw my old car. Eu vi o meu carro antigo.

This is our brother. Esse é o nosso irmão.

Her mother is a teacher. A mãe dela é professora. 23/08/2012, 12:14


Os Pronomes Possessivos (Possessive Pronouns) nunca são usados antes de substantivo, pois sua função é substitui-lo a fim de evitar repetição e concordam sempre com o possuidor, diferentemente do Português, em que a concordância se faz com a coisa (pessoa, animal, objeto) possuída. Eles não se flexionam, ou seja, valem tanto para o singular como para o plural. Eles podem ser usados em construções com a preposição “of”.

This copybook is ours. (Este caderno é nosso.)

23/08/2012, 12:25


08. We live on a small planet. Earth is ... small  planet.

(a) their      (b) our         (c) theirs           (d) ours



Mata Atlântica

The Mata Atlântica is mostly  located on the southern coast of Brazil, from Rio Grande do Norte to the border with Uruguay. Historically, this coast was covered by the Atlantic Forest, one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet. There are more than 10,000 plant species found there, half of which are unique or endemic to this area as are at least 5% of the world’s butterfly species. The canopy is not as high as the Amazon Rainforest, nor are there as many canopy layers. In the Amazon, it is common for the tallest canopy to be as tall as 50 meters, but in the Mata Atlântica, it is much shorter – usually on the order of 20-30 meters high.

However, at present only approximately 7.3% (94,000) of the original 1,290,692 square kilometers of Mata Atlântica remain in Brazil. As often the case, the most biologically diverse places are also the most favorable for human settlement. Biologically diverse coastal areas in particular are threatened all over the Earth. The Atlantic Forest is a perfect example of this phenomenon. Over 100 million Brazilian live within the Atlantic Forest, including the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre. It is clear that the Atlantic Forest has been vital for the growth of the country.

(in Marques Amadeu. On Stage. São Paulo. Ática, 2010. Vol 1, p. 63)


09. Marque a opção com a sequência correta de associação:


(I) Dossel, parte mais alta da cobertura vegetal na Mata Atlântica.

(II) Número de espécies vegetais endêmicas ou só encontradas na Mata Atlântica.

(III) Área atual em km2 da Mata Atlântica.

(IV) Dossel, parte mais alta da cobertura vegetal na Floresta Amazônica.


( ) 50m    ( ) Entre 20m e 30m   ( ) 94.000   ( ) 5.000


(a) II, IV, I, III       (b) I, III, II, IV

(c) IV, I, III, II       (d) III, I, IV, II


O simple present indica hábito, verdade universal ou ação planejada. Utiliza a forma básica do infinitivo sem o “to”.

· Na 3ª pessoa do singular o verbo recebe S.

I drink / He drinks wine with my parents.
You like / She likes water after gym.

· Verbos terminados em Y precedido de consoante trocam o Y, por IES: try (tentar), fly (voar): we study, she studies

· Verbos terminados em Y precedidos de vogal, como play (jogar), say (dizer), não sofrem alteração. I play, he plays.

· Os verbos terminados com S, SH, CH, Z, X, O: guess (adivinhar), push (empurrar), watch (assistir), buzz (zumbir), recebem um ES na 3ª pessoa do singular.


10. It is not correct:

(a) He makes good houses.
(b) You and he make good works .
(c) I have a black dog. Its name is “Peludo”.

(d) Some boys prefers pizza.


3 comentários:

  1. Professor, a tradução do texto "Does the Mata Atlântica have a future?" pf!

  2. De muita valia os exercícios sobre Go Green. Arrasou.

  3. De muita valia os exercícios sobre Go Green. Arrasou.
