domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013

Exercícios de interpretação e de gramática da língua inglesa para alunos do ensino médio

Making a difference

While I was walking down the beach, I began to see a man in the distance. As I came nearer, I noticed that the man was bending down, picking something up and throwing it out into the water. He did that many times. Time and again he continued throwing things out into the ocean.

As I came even closer, I saw that he was a fisherman. He was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time, he was throwing them back into the water.

I was curious. I approached the fisherman and said, “Good morning, friend. I was wondering what you are doing.”

“I’m throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, it’s low tide right now and all of these starfish are up here on the sand. If I don’t throw them back into the water, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen.”

“I understand,” I said, ‘but there are thousands of starfish on this beach. You can’t possibly get to all of them. There are simply too many. And don’t you realize that at this time this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast? Can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?”

The man smiled, bent down one more time and picked up another starfish. He threw it back into the sea and answered, “I made a difference to that one.”

(CANFIELD & hANSEN in MARQUES, Amadeus. On stage, vol. 02, SP. Ática, 2010. p. 34.)


01. Write in English:

a) Ele estava pegando as estrelas do mar que tinham encalhado na praia.


b) Estou lançando estas estrelas do mar de volta ao oceano.



02. Look for in the text an adjective in comparative of superiority and write it.


Verbos frasais são duas ou mais palavras com um só significado. Caracterizam uma linguagem mais informal.

.To mess up = Estragar, atrapalhar
Ex: It really messed up their relationship.
(Isto atrapalhou muito o relacionamento deles.)

. To get around = Locomover-se, andar:
Ex: It’s easy to get around town on foot.
(É fácil de se locomover à pé na cidade.)

. To pick on = Pegar no pé, zoar
Ex: Quit picking on him.
(Pára de pegar no pé dele.)

. To settle for = Conformar-se,aceitar
Ex: We had to settle for waching the match at home.
(Tivemos que nos conformar em assistir a partida em casa.)

. To end up = Acabar, ir parar
Ex: He’ll end up missing it. (Ele acabará perdendo-o.)

. To chat up = Alugar, tentar conquistar
Ex: Were you chatting her up?
(Você tava alugando ela?)

. To move on = Partir pra outra, fazer a fila andar
Ex: It’s time to move on. (É hora de partir pra outra.)

. Passar, dar uma passada em algum lugar: To stop by
Ex: I’ll stop by the videoarcade. (Vou passar no fliperama.)

. To run out = Vencer, “expirar”
Ex: This out in december.
(Isto vence em dezembro.)

. To pay back = Pagar o que se deve a alguém:
Ex: Did he pay you back? (Ele te pagou?)

. Count me out! = Tô fora!
Ex: Count me out!
It’s awful! (Tô fora! É muito ruim!)

. To grow up = Crescer, tornar-se adulto
Ex: Grow up! (Vê se cresce!)

. To drift apart = Afastar-se de alguém, distanciar-se

Ex: They drifted apart after they graduated. (Elas se afastaram depois de se formarem.)

All the best! (Tudo de bom) - Prof. Donay Mendonça 19/08/2012, 13:40

03. I turned off the radio

(a) refuse, reject    (b) stop (the TV, the light, gas)

(c) hand in             (d) go to, ask for the help of


04. The proposal for taxes will certainly be turned down.

(a) refuse, reject   
(b) stop (the TV, the light, gas)
(c) hand in            
(d) go to, ask for the help of

05. Verdade ou mentira:

Passado contínuo é a união de um verbo auxiliar (o passado de “to be”) e um verbo principal (terminado em “ing”).



06. It’s not corret:

(a) Airton Senna was driving at very high speed when he had that fatal accident.

(b) We were visiting New York when they attacked the world trade Center towers.

(c) I was coming home from work when saw a terrible accident in front of a hotel.

(d) Leonardo da Vinci were lived five centuries ago.

07. Complete: “The sun…”

(a) were spending    (b) was rising

(c) was talking         (d) was bending down


08. EFFECT: The starfish are up here on the sand.

(a) CAUSE: They are now on the sand, out of the water.

(b) CAUSE: I was curious

(c) CAUSE: There are thousands of them on the beach.

(d) CAUSE: It’s low tide right now.


09. Translate only the bold paragraph:


Strategies to overcoming the adversity


As it was said, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Let new ideas take root. Explore. Rattle hidebound thinking. Chuck yesterday’s assumptions. Don’t rely on what made you successful, but no longer works. The worst baggage we can carry is the baggage from a successful past.


Set goals that are specific and attainable, then break them down into manageable pieces – one step at a time. In the process, passing each milestone builds confidence and creates momentum. Self-confidence, in turn, develops much like a coral reef—layer on layer compresses into a solid base.

Don’t lose sight of your main goal by focusing on intermediate objectives. Take a wide-angle view of the challenge. As Gary Guller slogged his way up Mount Everest one painful step at a time, he never forgot the endgame: shattering stereotypes of the disabled. Summiting the top of the world was simply part of the process.

But don’t dillydally. “A degenerative disease will not be cured by procrastination,” said management guru Peter Drucker. “It requires decisive action.” Unlike sports, you can’t call for a time-out when things get rough. You must get out of the blocks quickly.

Remember the U.S. Navy Seals’ favorite slogan: “The only easy day was yesterday.” Properly scripted, tomorrow can become better than today. 19/08/2012, 16:30


Tradução do texto:


Estratégias para vencer a adversidade

Auto-confiança, por sua vez, desenvolve-se muito como um recife de coral – camada em camada comprime-se em uma base sólida. Não perca de vista seu objetivo principal, concentrando-se em objectivos intermediários. Não confie no que te fez bem-sucedido, mas não funciona mais. A pior bagagem que podemos carregar é a bagagem de um passado de sucesso. Estabeleça metas que sejam específicas e atingíveis, então reduza-as a pedaços gerenciáveis um de cada vez. No processo, passando cada marco constrói confiança e cria dinâmica. Tome uma visão abrangente do desafio. Enquanto Gary Guller seguia seu caminho até o Monte Everest um passo doloroso por vez, ele nunca esqueceu o fim do jogo: destruir os estereótipos a respeito dos deficientes. Alcançar o topo do mundo era simplesmente parte do processo. Mas não vacile. "Uma doença degenerativa não será curada por procrastinação", disse o guru da administração Peter Drucker. "É preciso uma ação decisiva." Ao contrário dos esportes, você não pode pedir um tempo-técnico, quando as coisas ficam difíceis. Você deve sair dos blocos rapidamente. Lembre-se o slogan favorito dos US Navy Seals (forças especiais da marinha americana): “O único dia fácil foi ontem". Adequadamente roteirizado, amanhã pode se tornar melhor do que hoje. Como foi dito, a melhor coisa que você pode fazer é a coisa certa, a próxima melhor coisa é a coisa errada, e a pior coisa que você pode fazer é nada. Deixe idéias novas criarem raízes. Explore. Agite pensamentos tradicionalistas. Abandone as hipóteses de ontem.

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